Maritza Garcia

Founder of Ritza Design

I am an empath that is passionate about leveraging technology to make my life and those around me easier. I believe that by removing menial tasks from our daily lives we can all focus on solving larger problems that will truly move the needle.

My most recent adventure was working with Nike in the B2B space to improve their sell in process with their largest accounts. I worked with the account executives to create the optimal client experience as they planned out the upcoming seasons.
We cleaned up business processes on the Nike side and created customized software that complemented the team’s client interaction. Leveraging technology, we removed human error, repetitive work, and hours of manual which amounts to a potential of $27M in annual incremental earnings, 82,000 sales hours saved, and 39,000 operations hours saved per year.

My goal now is to use that same approach for other businesses to remove waste and boost revenue.

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